
Radiology is the medical specialty that uses medical imaging to diagnose and treat diseases within the body. A variety of imaging techniques such as X-ray radiography, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), nuclear medicine including positron emission tomography (PET), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to diagnose or treat diseases. Interventional radiology is the performance of (usually minimally invasive) medical procedures with the guidance of imaging technologies. The modern practice of radiology involves several different healthcare professions working as a team. The radiologist is a medical doctor who has completed the appropriate post-graduate training and interprets medical images, communicates these findings to other physicians by means of a report or verbally, and uses imaging to perform minimally invasive medical procedures. The nurse is involved in the care of patients before and after imaging or procedures, including administration of medications, monitoring of vital signs and monitoring of sedated patients. The radiographer, also known as a "radiologic technologist" in some countries, is a specially trained healthcare professional that uses sophisticated technology and positioning techniques to produce medical images. Depending on the individual's training and country of practice, the radiographer may specialize in one of the above-mentioned imaging modalities or have expanded roles in image reporting. Fluoroscopy and angiography are special applications of X-ray imaging, in which a fluorescent screen and image intensifier tube is connected to a closed-circuit television system.[4]:26 This allows real-time imaging of structures in motion or augmented with a radiocontrast agent.


Enlisted below are the main points:

  • Diagnostic X-Rays (24 Hours)
  • Dental X-Rays (24 Hours)

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Enlisted below are the main points:

  • X-ray should be advised by clinician to avoid un-necessary radiation exposure
  • X-ray request form should be submitted with brief history
  • Rs 15 will be charged per film
  • Free x-ray will be allowed only by medical superintendent
  • Radiographer will take all steps to avoid un-necessary exposure to patients and attendants
  • Emergency and indoor x-ray will be entertained free of cost
  • MSDS indicators should followed by all the staff of department
  • Radiation protection plan should be followed by all staff members of department

Best Description

We are doing diagnostic X-rays 24/7 with maximum quality assurance and radiation protection plan according to Pakistan nuclear regulatory authority and MSDS by Healthcare commission.